Delivery SKCK

SKCK stands for Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian. It is a document that shows someone’s police record. There are various reasons why someone might need an SKCK, such as for a job application, immigration purposes, or simply as a personal record. However, getting an SKCK used to be quite a hassle, as it usually required going to the police station and waiting in line for hours. Fortunately, nowadays, it is possible to get an SKCK delivered to your doorstep. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about delivery SKCK.

What is Delivery SKCK?

Delivery SKCK is a service that allows you to obtain an SKCK without having to physically go to the police station. Instead, you can apply for an SKCK online and have it delivered to your address. This service is especially useful for people who live far from the police station or have a busy schedule that does not allow them to wait in line for hours.

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The delivery SKCK service is provided by the Indonesian National Police. The process is quite simple and can be done entirely online. However, there are some requirements that you need to fulfill before you can apply for a delivery SKCK.

Requirements for Delivery SKCK

Here are the requirements for obtaining a delivery SKCK:

  • Indonesian Citizen Identity Card (KTP)
  • Active email address
  • Active phone number
  • Payment for SKCK fees

You can apply for delivery SKCK if you are over 17 years old and have a valid KTP. If you are under 17 years old, you will need to provide a written statement from your parents or legal guardian.

How to Apply for Delivery SKCK

Here are the steps to apply for delivery SKCK:

  1. Go to the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) website (
  2. Click on the e-SKCK menu
  3. Fill in your personal data, including name, birth date, and KTP number
  4. Choose the delivery option and fill in your address
  5. Pay the SKCK fees using one of the available methods, such as bank transfer or e-wallet
  6. Wait for the SKCK to be delivered to your address
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The delivery SKCK fees vary depending on the delivery method and location. Generally, the fees range from IDR 30,000 to IDR 50,000. You can check the exact fees on the POLRI website.

Delivery SKCK Processing Time

The processing time for delivery SKCK is generally faster than the traditional method of obtaining an SKCK. After you have completed the online application and paid the fees, your SKCK will be processed within 5 working days. Once it is ready, it will be delivered to your address by a courier service.

You can track the status of your delivery SKCK on the POLRI website using your application number. If you have any questions or issues during the process, you can also contact the POLRI call center or visit the nearest police station.


Delivery SKCK is a convenient and efficient way to obtain an SKCK without having to go to the police station. By fulfilling the requirements and following the steps outlined in this article, you can apply for delivery SKCK and have it delivered to your doorstep in a matter of days. Whether you need an SKCK for a job application, immigration purposes, or simply as a personal record, delivery SKCK is a hassle-free solution that saves you time and effort.

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