Issue of Certificate of No Impediment

If you’re planning to get married in Indonesia, one of the documents that you need to provide is a Certificate of No Impediment or CNI. This document is also known as a Single Status Certificate or Certificate of Freedom to Marry. In this article, we will discuss what a CNI is, why it’s necessary, how to obtain one, and some common issues surrounding it.

What is a Certificate of No Impediment?

A Certificate of No Impediment is a legal document that proves that you are free to marry. It states that there are no legal impediments to your marriage, such as being already married, being too closely related to your partner, or being underage. The CNI is usually issued by your home country’s embassy or consulate in Indonesia.

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Why do you need a Certificate of No Impediment?

A Certificate of No Impediment is required by Indonesian law for all foreign nationals who want to get married in Indonesia. It’s also required by some countries before they will recognize your marriage as legal. Without a CNI, your marriage will not be legally recognized in Indonesia or your home country.

How to Obtain a Certificate of No Impediment?

To obtain a Certificate of No Impediment, you will need to contact your home country’s embassy or consulate in Indonesia. The process for obtaining a CNI can vary depending on your country, but it usually involves submitting a range of documents and paying a fee. You may need to provide proof of identity, residency, and marital status, as well as complete a statutory declaration or affidavit.

It’s important to note that the process for obtaining a CNI can take several weeks or even months, so it’s important to start the process early. You should also check with your embassy or consulate for any specific requirements or restrictions that may apply to your situation.

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Common Issues with Certificates of No Impediment

While obtaining a Certificate of No Impediment is necessary for getting married in Indonesia, there are some common issues that can arise during the process. These can include:

  • Delays in processing your application
  • Incomplete or incorrect documentation
  • Language barriers or translation issues
  • Different legal requirements or regulations between your home country and Indonesia
  • Difficulty obtaining a CNI if you are divorced or have been married before

To avoid these issues, it’s important to research the requirements for obtaining a CNI in your home country and to work closely with your embassy or consulate in Indonesia. You should also ensure that all of your documentation is accurate and complete, and seek the help of a translator if necessary.


If you’re planning to get married in Indonesia, a Certificate of No Impediment is a necessary document that you will need to obtain. While the process for obtaining a CNI can be complex, taking the time to research and prepare in advance can help ensure that your marriage is legally recognized in both Indonesia and your home country.

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