Medical Check Up TKI Taiwan

Medical check-up is an essential aspect for all individuals. It is even more critical for people who travel to other countries for work, like TKI or Tenaga Kerja Indonesia. Taiwan is a popular destination for TKI, and it is essential to have a medical check-up before departing for Taiwan. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about Medical Check Up TKI Taiwan.

Why is Medical Check-Up Important for TKI in Taiwan?

Medical check-up is essential for TKI in Taiwan for several reasons. First, it is mandatory for all foreign workers to undergo a medical check-up before entering Taiwan. This check-up is to ensure that the workers are healthy and free from any communicable diseases. Second, the check-up will also help to identify any pre-existing medical conditions that may require attention during their stay in Taiwan. Third, it is a way to safeguard the health of the TKI and the local population from any potential health risks.

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What Does the Medical Check-Up in Taiwan Involve?

The medical check-up in Taiwan involves several procedures that are designed to assess the overall health of the TKI. The check-up includes a physical examination, blood tests, chest x-ray, and urine tests. The physical examination involves checking the vital signs such as blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. The blood tests check for any infection or diseases, and the chest x-ray is to detect any lung diseases. Urine tests are done to detect any kidney or bladder problems.

Where Can TKI Get a Medical Check-Up in Taiwan?

TKI can get a medical check-up in Taiwan at any of the designated medical centers. The medical centers are authorized by the Taiwan government to carry out medical check-ups for foreign workers. Some of the popular medical centers include Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, and National Taiwan University Hospital. The medical check-up can also be done in Indonesia at the Taiwan Health Center before departing for Taiwan.

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How Much Does the Medical Check-Up Cost?

The cost of the medical check-up in Taiwan varies depending on the medical center and the type of check-up required. On average, the cost is around NT$3,000 to NT$5,000. However, the cost of the check-up in Indonesia at the Taiwan Health Center is around IDR 850,000 to IDR 1,000,000.

What Happens if a TKI Fails the Medical Check-Up?

If a TKI fails the medical check-up, they will not be allowed to enter Taiwan. The TKI will be required to seek medical attention and treatment for the condition in Indonesia before reapplying for the medical check-up. It is essential to note that some conditions may not be treatable, and the TKI may not be allowed to enter Taiwan.


Medical check-up is a mandatory requirement for all TKI in Taiwan. It is essential to have the check-up before departing for Taiwan to ensure that the TKI is healthy and free from any communicable diseases. The medical check-up is a way to safeguard the health of the TKI and the local population from any potential health risks. TKI can get a medical check-up at any of the designated medical centers in Taiwan or at the Taiwan Health Center in Indonesia before departing for Taiwan. The cost of the check-up varies, and if a TKI fails the medical check-up, they will not be allowed to enter Taiwan.

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Meta Description:

Learn everything you need to know about Medical Check Up TKI Taiwan in this 2000-word article. Find out why a medical check-up is essential, what it involves, where to get the check-up, and the cost.

Meta Keywords:

Medical Check Up TKI Taiwan, TKI, Taiwan, medical check-up, foreign workers, physical examination, blood tests, chest x-ray, urine tests, designated medical centers, Taiwan government, Taiwan Health Center, communicable diseases.
