How Long Is Certificate Of No Impediment Valid For

A Certificate of No Impediment (CNI) is a legal document that serves as proof that there are no legal impediments to a person’s marriage. It is issued by the relevant authorities in the country where the applicant is a resident or citizen.

Before getting married in another country, it is essential to obtain a CNI. However, it is crucial to know how long this document is valid to avoid any inconveniences during the marriage preparation process. In this article, we will discuss how long a Certificate of No Impediment is valid for.

Validity Period of a Certificate of No Impediment

The validity period of a Certificate of No Impediment varies from country to country. In some countries, the document is valid for a specific period, while in others, it is valid for an indefinite period. Therefore, it is essential to check with the relevant authorities in your country to know how long your CNI is valid for.

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In countries where the validity period is specified, the document is usually valid for six months to one year from the date of issue. This means that the applicant must get married within this period, failure to which they will need to obtain a new CNI.

Why Is the Validity Period Limited?

The limited validity period of a Certificate of No Impediment is due to the changing circumstances of people’s lives. For instance, a person might have obtained a CNI when they were single, but they might have gotten married in the meantime or have any legal impediments to their marriage.

Therefore, to ensure the validity of the document, it is essential to obtain a new one if the marriage has not taken place within the specified period. Failure to do so might lead to legal complications and may even result in the nullification of the marriage.

Renewing a Certificate of No Impediment

If the validity period of your Certificate of No Impediment has expired, you will need to obtain a new one. The renewal process is similar to the initial application process, and you will need to provide the same documents and pay the relevant fees.

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However, if your circumstances have changed since the initial application, you will need to provide additional documents to support the new information. For instance, if you got married after obtaining the initial CNI, you will need to provide a copy of your marriage certificate.


A Certificate of No Impediment is a crucial document when planning a marriage in another country. It serves as proof that there are no legal impediments to your marriage. However, it is essential to know how long the document is valid for to avoid any inconveniences during the preparation process. Remember always to check with the relevant authorities in your country to know the validity period of your CNI.

Meta Description

Find out how long a Certificate of No Impediment is valid for before planning your marriage in another country. This article explains the validity periods and renewal processes of CNIs.

Meta Keywords

Certificate of No Impediment, validity period, marriage preparation, renewal process, legal document, relevant authorities.

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